

[106美國直購] Kingston 32 GB 隨身碟 Class 10 MicroSDHC Card Adapter included


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[106美國直購] Kingston 32 GB 隨身碟 Class 10 MicroSDHC Card Adapter included










[106美國直購] Kingston 32 GB 隨身碟 Class 10 - MicroSDHC Card - Adapter included

Detailed item info


You can take all your important files with you wherever you go with this Kingston 32GB microSDHC card. Featuring a write speed of 10Mbps and a read speed of 45Mbps, this card is made from durable materials that can do a great job at protecting your data no matter the environment. This waterproof microSDHC card is also shockproof and vibration proof, so you don't have to worry about using it regardless of the situation. Suitable for still images, low resolution video, full HD videos, and documents, this card can work well with mobile phones, bridge cameras, and DSLR cameras. It comes with an adapter so that you can use it with multiple kinds of devices.There are so many ways to use these miniature Kingston memory cards. If your mobile devices accept the microSDHC format, you can just plug it in and instantly expand the amount of onboard storage. If your device supports the original SD card format, just simply plug the microSD card into the adapter slot. It will then fit right into any camera or other type of device that takes a regular SD card. There won't be any other work needed to get them going. All of Kingston's Class 10 modules comply with exacting performance standards. Anything designed to accept this memory card would take one of these Class 10 modules without issue.Kingston puts all of their Class 10 chips in frustration free packaging. This means you can slide them out without having to pull out the scissors. Since the Class 10 standard is the same across the board, you should also be able to use them with game consoles and e-readers designed to take them. Some gamers use them to store game code, and others keep screenshots of high scores on them. If your accessories can work with the UHS-I format, then you can get write speeds around 10MB/s.Keep in mind that 32GB can be a ton of space for something this petite. You can squeeze the contents of two 16GB cards on one of these Class 10 chips. You could use these Class 10 cards as backup drives. Simply attach them to USB reader units, and you can transfer files from a desktop or a laptop computer to them. Class 10 memory modules are actually easier to use than external hard disks. You won't have to worry about your micro storage solutions having head crashes. NAND chips have no moving parts. They are immune to the types of physical problems mechanical hard disks suffer from. The small size means that they won't slip out of a camera, either. This can dramatically reduce the risk of data loss.Kingston is always testing their cards to make sure they work with many different hardware brands. Google Android and iOS phones can be fully compatible with these miniature memory chips as is any modern desktop OS. With this kind of flexibility, you can find many different ways to use them. If you have the slot, then Kingston can have the storage solution that fits it.

Product Identifiers

Brand Kingston

Form Factor MicroSDHC

Memory Capacity 32GB

Adapter Type SD Adapter


UPC 740617183412


Speed Class Rating Class 10

Read Speed 10MB/s

Write Speed Up to 10MB/s

Card Dimensions

Depth 0.59 in.

Height 0.039 in.

Width 0.43 in.


台大校長遴選引起的「卡管」爭議持續超過3個月,最終教育部仍不聘任管中閔上任,不滿教育部處理方式的台大學生紛紛在台大校園「傅鐘」綁滿聲援管中閔的布條。記者蘇健忠/攝影 蘇健忠 分享 facebook 教育部4月27日正式駁回台大校長遴選結果。中央社嘗試詢問台大遴選會21位委員,超過半數委員表示,此時不便發言,需待教部正式公文及本月12日臨時校務會議結果出爐後,再討論定奪。台灣大學校長遴選委員會1月5日選出中央研究院院士管中閔為新校長,原訂2月1日上任,卻遭質疑擔任企業獨立董事、論文案、赴中國大陸活動等爭議。延宕逾百日後,教育部4月27日宣布,台大校長遴選有經濟法律上重大利益未迴避的適法疑慮,正式駁回遴選結果,要求重新回到校長候選人推薦資格初審階段。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 對此,台大校方表態,將提訴願等行政救濟,釐清大學校長遴選是否屬大學自治,並於本月12日召開臨時校務會議討論如何因應。台大遴選會4月28日就發出聲明,強調無法接受「駁回」的決定,如果要遴選會再開會,教育部應提出法源依據。遴選會發言人袁孝維受訪時聲稱,上述聲明經過半數遴選委員同意。不過這份聲明,引起部分委員不滿,官派遴選委員、教育部次長姚立德表示,遴選會承辦人員於4月27日夜間以電子郵件詢問各委員意見,當時他已就寢,根本沒有注意到,隔天一早遴選會發出的聲明,和他的意見不同,他並未同意聲明的說法。姚立德強調,他雖是官派代表之一,但不是去監督開會,是獨立行使選舉權;審查被推薦人資料是否完備是台大幕僚單位該盡的責任,且他在遴選會1月31日的會議上,就已清楚表達,認為遴選會應考量各階段作業的完整和完備。遴選會學生代表、台大學生會長林彥廷也於3日發出聲明,質疑遴選會於4月27日22時44分發出信件請求委員同意,到28日上午10時46分發出新聞稿,僅歷時12小時,要求各委員在這段時間內完成充分、周詳的思慮和討論,「實有其窒礙難行之處。」教育部確定駁回遴選會選出管中閔為台大校長的決議,引發各界批評聲浪,圖為台大椰林大道。記者余承翰/攝影 分享 facebook 林彥廷表示,遴選會目前有共識暫時不召開會議,主因是教育部至今仍未發公文給台大,加上臨時校務會議召開在即,回歸校內最高決策機制較妥當;但他希望未來遴選會無論是否開會,都應循完整、正常的會議討論程序,避免再出現未得共識的措辭,逕自代表全體委員的意見。遴選委員、台大法律系教授沈冠伶於5月1日宣布辭去遴選委員,質疑遴選會發言人袁孝維對外說明拒絕重啟遴選,並非全體遴選委員的共識;如果遴選會拒絕再召開會議,已構成「無法產生校長當選人」的解散事由,應解散重組。中央社記者近日試圖詢問台大遴選會全體21席委員,除上述3人表態外,超過10位委員都表示現階段不便評論,需等待教育部正式公文出爐,以及台大臨時校務會議的結果。多位委員表示,遴選會已達成共識,召集人陳維昭(台大前校長)也發出訊息呼籲,現階段避免再以單獨委員身分對外發言。台大校長遴選引起的「卡管」爭議持續超過3個月,最終教育部仍不聘任管中閔上任,不滿教育部處理方式的台大學生紛紛在台大校園椰林大道與「傅鐘」綁滿聲援管中閔的布條。記者蘇健忠/攝影 分享 facebook


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